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See if you can guess the name of the flower before hovering your mouse over the picture.

1 - Canada Violet (British Columbia)

2 - Indian Paintbrush (Idaho) 3 - Colorado Columbine (Colorado)
4 - Sagebrush Buttercup (Idaho) 5 - Wild Rose (Home) 6 - Woods Lily (Washington)
7 - Mexican Hat Coneflower (Montana) 8 - Yellowbell (Idaho) 9 - Tiger Lily (Ontario)
10 - Scarlet Gilia (Idaho) 11 - Lupine (Alaska) 12 - Globe Flower (Montana)
13 - Arrowleaf Balsamroot (Idaho) 14 - Western Wallflower (Utah) 15 - Yarrow (Idaho)
16 - Sticky Geranium (Idaho) 17 - Heart-Leaf Arnica (Idaho) 18 - Penstamen (Wyoming)
19 - Bitterroot (Montana) 20 - Glacial Lilly (Colorado) 21 - Fleabane (Colorado)
22 - Western Coneflower (Utah) 23 - Fireweed (Idaho) 24 - Gooseberry (Utah)
25 - Wild Flax (Idaho) 26 - Stonecrop (Idaho) 27 - Dwarf Buckwheat (Idaho)
28 - Leafy Jacobs Ladder (Utah) 29 - Elephanthead (Utah) 30 - White Columbine (Utah)
31 - Horse Mint (Idaho) 32 - Goldenrod (Idaho) 33 - Crist's Indian Paintbrush (Mt. Harrison, Idaho)
34 - Mules Ears (Idaho) 35 - Camas Lily (Idaho) 36 - Golden Pond Lily (Idaho)
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