BLUE JAYS: Very hard to approach

By Dave Hanks

The saying “that to SIT and SIT is more productive than to PURSUE” is certainly true with Blue Jays. They, like other types of jays, are very easy to see but, also, very quick to disappear when approached. Like all jays, they are also very noisy. A cousin of our Magpie, which many folks out here seem to despise, they fill the same role to Easterners. The Magpie is pretty and Easterners are glad to experience them. Likewise, Westerners, like myself, are eager to experience Blue Jays.

On mid-western trips, my wife would like to be able to sit and absorb them, but they’re an enigma. How does one get close enough to do it?

Once, we happened to investigate a road and Carolyn noticed lots of them coming to a low tree branch on the edge of lake. It was in a secluded area of a state park that had been closed to vehicles. I set up our portable blind and SAT and SAT. Eventually they came back within close proximity.

Blue Jays are 9 to 11 inches long and prefer mixed woodlands with clearings, city parks, and even human residences. These omnivores (eats anything) are very aggressive and will drive other birds from a food source.

This species is monogamous. A pair bond is formed that lasts until one partner dies. The female lays one clutch of 6 eggs per year that needs 17-18 days of incubation. The interesting thing is that the eggs may be either: blue, green, or yellow.

(A glorious combination of blue & gray hues, with white and black accents)
