By Dave Hanks

Life is found in layers and so are birds too.
		At a different vegetation level, a different bird to view.
Quail and Fox Sparrows, both do abound,
		As do Horned Larks and towhees, all on the ground.
Then bring your eyes up to shrub level.
		Notice the warblers trimmed in yellow.
			Now moving on up into low tree,
				Nuthatches and woodpeckers are there to see.
Up on the top, see the Lazuli Bunting?
		And do you see the owl? Well, keep your eyes hunting.
Looking into the air you can perceive with your eye:
		Hawks, eagles, and vultures that most of the time fly.
			Now isn’t that interesting, this awareness I give,
				That in each stratum, different birds live?
			To know each bird’s area can be helpful to you
				When looking for a specific species to view.	

The GREEN-TAILED TOWHEE, like all towhees, is a ground feeder and is very wary. It lingers beneath bushes and then will cautiously creep out to feed – only to dash back under cover at the slightest provocation. This one has a long, olive-green tinted tail and a white patch on its throat. But the most noticeable field identification mark is its rusty-red crown.

Towhees are members of the sparrow family. The Green-Tailed Towhee is a big sparrow (7 inches), but it’s the smallest towhee. Also, it is the only entirely migratory towhee.

(The perky Pipilo chlorurus momentarily in the open)
