By Dave Hanks

          The snow is fluffily,
			“sifting” down.
		It leaves a thick “carpet-like” covering
				upon the ground.

Its mystical magic that floats on the air. And it’s an invigorating joy to be out where –

The wonders of life move to and fro. And lucky we are, that much I know,

To have natural treasures so close at hand And everywhere present across sky and land

Winter can be a good time to observe large mammals. Heavy snow makes movement inefficient for conserving energy. Energy that is so important for winter survival, when one must compete for the scarcity of available food, and the energy to maintain body temperature under cold conditions. The beasts are reluctant to move much, and if you are careful not to stress them, you can get close up and personal.

(Targee snow and moose )
