
By Dave Hanks

		When the corn is in the silo
			And the hay is in the barn,
				It’s time to be expectin’
					Any oft told old time yarn.
		Of how the snow was a settin’
			So heavy on the ground,
				And the mystery in the air
					Was siftin’ heavy, all around.
		Of the fairies in the fireplace,
			Just a dancin’ nice and keen.
	 			In between the logs a blazin’
					With a lustrous, shining sheen.
		And out through the tree tops,
			Out there in the storm,
			     Comes a rompin’ and a whisprin’ an’ 
			       	   So comfortin’ to be where it’s warm. 
		But surprises are in the offing.
			Surprises are in store.
				Your heart will do a hand-stand
					Over pleasant things galore. 
		What are those things you ask me?
			What is the big surprise?
				I’ll tell if you’ll listen.
					It’ll make you “oh” so wise.
		Mostly, it’s in the spirit of the livin’.
			It’s the excitement when you roam.
				It’s the joy of your life-style,
					It’s the happiness in the home!
