We have a little Cottontail.
His tail is silky white.
I see him every morning,
before the sun is bright.

He especially likes our bushes
and the cover that they give.
He sneaks back and forth from them –
“What a way to live!”

He is so very cute –
so cuddly and so plump.
And as he hops away I see,
the white bobbing of his rump.

I hope that nothing eats him,
as he scurries from tree to shrub.
I’m sure he’d be delicious –
a tasty bit of “grub”.

The mornings promise excitement
from the wild things on our place.
And I’m so very grateful
that they seem to find the space – 

To romp or fly so freely.
It makes me feel so good!
But with a yard like ours,
I guess I knew it would

     (Written for my Granddaughter)

(Dave Hanks)